It it a quite wonderful site to see our whole pilgrimage family gathered together on the steps of the Rosary Basilica in the Domain. Not one of us envy the photographer whose job it is to organise just shy of 700 people into a some kind of order. As always though, Photo Lacaze did a grand job and we will post the resulting photograph as soon as we have it.
Mgr. Canon Anthony Kay VG during the Sacrament of the Sick
Following the photograph we moved to the Chapel of Saint Bernadette for our Sunday Mass with the Sacrament of the Sick. This is a very emotional service in our programme. Whilst the clergy Anoint our sick pilgrims, our volunteers stand together around the circumference of the chapel and hold hands to form a circle of love around our pilgrims which is symbolic not only of our pilgrimage family but also of the love, care and support that our volunteers provide for our pilgrims throughout the week. It is a beautiful but simple gesture which brings tears to many eyes. The fact that this Sacrament is administered here in Lourdes just metres from the very spot that Our Lady revealed the healing waters of the spring to Bernadette in the Grotto, only adds to the significance of this special Sacrament.
Our volunteers encircle our pilgrims during the Annointing
Our young pilgrims made their way up to Cité St. Pierre for their own liturgy following Mass. The 'City of the Poor' is located in the hills overlooking Lourdes and Mass is held in fine weather in the 'Cathedral of the Trees' which is just as enchanting as it sounds. A beautiful spot and a good opportunity for our young pilgrims to take some time for reflection and take part in a fantastic service put together by our Pastoral Team.
Meanwhile, back at the Hotel Solitude, Accueil pilgrims were treated to an afternoon of entertainment. Many people took the stage and a great time was had by all.
At 5pm we took part in the daily Blessed Sacrament Procession which due to the inclement weather was located in the vast Underground Basilica of St. Pius X. We were honoured and very proud to provide four pilgrims to act as acolytes to accompany the Blessed Sacrament in the procession. Fr. Kieran Mullarkey was given the honour of being assistant to the French Bishop who presided over the procession. You can see the procession on the Lourdes TV channel on YouTube:
As we write this post our pilgrims are taking part in Holy Hour which is again held in the Underground Basilica. This is a chance to sit quietly with the Lord and to reflect and provides the perfect end to a busy day.
In the morning we look forward to the highlight of our programme, our Grotto Mass. This year we will share this service with our friends from the pilgrimage of Hexham & Newcastle. If you would like to join us in the Mass you can do so by watching it live on YouTube via the Lourdes channel which can be found here:
Mass begins at 9.45 local time, 8.45 GMT. We look forward to having you with us.
And so a busy day here in Lourdes comes to an end. We look forward to spending some precious time with Our Lady in the Grotto tomorrow. Traditionally it usually rains during this Mass so we hope that is one tradition can break tomorrow!
Final Blessing from Bishop Emeritus, Terence Brain
Saint Bernadette, pray for us.
Stay with us, Lord, on our journey.