Monday, 25 July 2016


The week of our 84th Salford Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes is finally upon us! Final preparations are being made and we are all waiting in anticipation to return to our 'spiritual home' in Lourdes at the end of this week.

This year's pilgrimage is that extra bit special as it is being made during the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy called by Pope Francis. The Holy Father asks us to make pilgrimage in this Holy Year because "it represents the journey each of us makes in this life." We look forward to answering that call and making the journey to Lourdes as a pilgrimage family.

This Sunday, (24th), many of us gathered in a packed Salford Cathedral for our Pre-Departure Mass. Pilgrims enjoyed a beautiful service celebrated by the Bishop of Salford, John Arnold, with Emeritus Bishop of Salford, Terence Brain who will lead our services in Lourdes for the first few days in Bishop John's absence at World Youth Day in Krakow. It was also lovely to see Rev. Mark Paver who was ordained Deacon only 2 weeks ago. 

During his homily Bishop John mentioned the "wonderful allegiance" that Lourdes has in our diocese and asked that before we go we should ask "what we are doing, why we are doing it and what we want to achieve or receive from our time in Lourdes."

On Thursday morning our advance party of volunteers will fly out to Lourdes to make the final preparations before we welcome our pilgrimage family on Friday. Several of our pilgrims are already en route however, using various forms of transport. Our cyclists from the Children & Families Group are well over the half way mark on their 850 mile route and following Mass last night our own 'Max & Paddy' left the cathedral in the pilgrimage van carrying essential equipment and supplies for the pilgrimage - hopefully not on the road to nowhere!

Please remember our cyclists, drivers and whole pilgrimage family in your prayers this week as we pray for a safe arrival into Lourdes and for a happy, Holy & peaceful pilgrimage.

'Stay with us Lord, on our journey.'

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
Saint Bernadette, pray for us.